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Theranostics by Electro Digital Technology Lab



게시물 검색
목록으로 번호, 제목, 작성자, 조회수, 등록일, 첨부파일로 나열 되고 있습니다.
번호 제목 작성자 조회수 Date Files
18 BPL's 2016 Year End Party -2016.12.26 Biophotonics Laboratory 73 2019-05-09  
17 Professor Jae Gwan Kim and BPL members joined ABC 2016 -2016.11.04-05 Biophotonics Laboratory 73 2019-05-09  
16 Evgenii Kim and Thien Nguyen joined fNIRS 2016 conference-2016.10.12-18 Biophotonics Laboratory 63 2019-05-09  
15 Professor Jae Gwan Kim and Thien Nguyen joined IEEE BME-HUST 2016 conference-2016.10.04-07 Biophotonics Laboratory 61 2019-05-09  
14 Congratulation to Donghyuk Choi, Professor Jae Gwan Kim and anesthesia group for their publication in BOE Biophotonics Laboratory 58 2019-05-09  
13 Sports day with BMSSA labratory-2016.08.26 Biophotonics Laboratory 63 2019-05-09  
12 2016 summer commencement ceremony, congratulation to Master Phuong Mai Minh-2016.08.25 Biophotonics Laboratory 62 2019-05-09  
11 BPL members joined OSK meeting and BPL summer workshop 2016 at Busan, 2016.07.11-07.14 Biophotonics Laboratory 58 2019-05-09  
10 Welcome Derrick Boateng and Myoung Hee Lee to BPL, 2016.06.25 Biophotonics Laboratory 60 2019-05-09  
9 Congratulation Phuong for his successful defense, 2016.06.17 Biophotonics Laboratory 62 2019-05-08  
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